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OFFICER DOWN MEMORIAL PODCAST - Sheriff Scott Rose shares the stories of how we lost these heroes in the line of duty.  You can find more information about these cases, including  photos of the family and from the case files, on our website at 

WARNING: Some episodes contain strong language and violent content.  Listener discretion is advised. 


Jan 14, 2022

It was the summer of 1967 in Rochester Minnesota - a rainy morning in August when Officer Floyd Haley failed to return to the police station with the rest of the night shift, his body discovered later by his friend and fellow Officer Fred Kelly. This community found itself stunned as they said goodbye to this hero and watched as their police department worked day and night, with few leads, to identify and bring Officer Floyd's killers to justice.

This episode is sponsored by our friends at Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc.
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 WARNING: Violent Content may be disturbing to some listeners.